GTA 6 Release Date – fans think they know when next Grand Theft Auto will be released

GTA 6 Release Date – fans think they know when next Grand Theft Auto will be released
Some Grand Theft Auto fans believe they may have reliable clues regarding a more precise date when the developer might finally announce GTA 6 and this means that 2020 could be a pretty exciting year.
Grand Theft Auto lovers who cannot wait for the latest news related to GTA 6 were rather upset when 2019 passed with no big announcements and little hope for more information.
But now that Red Dead Redemption 2 is finally completed (aside from Red Dead Online updates) and nothing else left to wait for (officially), we have hope that this year, in 2020, we could actually hear some official good news regarding our beloved adventure game.
As we know, Rockstar Games could take a while (an entire console generation, in fact) to launch a new GTA game, and the latest Grand Theft Auto installment might as well skip the PS4 and Xbox One completely. Yes, indeed – there is not much left to wait and we’ll have the exciting new Sony and Microsoft’s next-gen consoles.
2020 is going to be enormous for the games industry and this means that there is a possibility that we may at last hear Rockstar Games announcement of the brand new GTA game.
At the time of writing, it’s been a really long time – almost nine years since Rockstar released news about GTA 5 for the PS3 and Xbox 360.
But now, among everything else that is going on this year – we are talking about the craze of Cyberpunk 2077, Last of Us 2, Final Fantasy 7 Remake and many other exciting projects on their way – fans of the GTA franchise are convinced that they have a pretty good idea of an approximate timeframe for when Rockstar Games might announce GTA 6.
Posting on the GTA Forums, Eyman noted that some of Rockstar Gamesmost important announcements, for example, GTA V or Red Dead Redemption 2, usually came just before a Take-Two Interactive conference call.
For those who have never heard about it before, Take-Two Interactive is Rockstar Games’ parent company which owns 2K Games (Borderlands, NBA 2K, Bioshock and others) and one more developer named Private Division.
“I’m assuming everyone here knows why they do this, so I don’t need to explain. But the conference calls are a good indication on when to expect news,” is what Eyman said.
The dates he has in mind are listed right below this paragraph and they do shed some light on the matter:
- GTA V announcement – November 1st 2011
- T2 Conference Call – November 8th 2011
- Red Dead Redemption 2 announcement – October 18th 2016
- T2 Fiscal Call 2018 – November 2nd 2016
One more person from the GTA forums also added the explanation quoted below:
“Rockstar seem to have a pattern of ruffling the feathers of their activities around, during, immediately after these earning calls. I believe it’s Rockstars way of letting their investors know ‘We got this…oh and here’s a preview of where your money is going'”
This is the logic on which most GTA fans are counting right now. This is definitely an interesting period and we can be sure to hear plenty more exciting information as it seems that in 2020 Rockstar game is gathering up its forces for something bid, and fans and console owners in general surely have something to look forward to.
If we agree that a GTA announcement will most probably appear simultaneously with a Take-Two Interactive conference call, we need to be particularly vigilant around four key dates in 2020.
Firstly, the day after Groundhog Day on 3 February 2020 was very important – have you eavesdropped on any exciting news yet?
We think this information should be taken with a grain of salt, but a report Tech Radar says GTA 6 supposedly began production a long time ago – back in 2016 and there have certainly been many Take-Two Interactive conference calls during this time, it’s just we did not know about them…
But this year, 2020 definitely looks like the year when Rockstar will finally announce at least some news related to the Grand Theft Auto franchise besides the regular GTA Online updates.
Similarly, lots of rumors have been going around for quite a few months that PlayStation could soon decide to hold a special conference in order to officially present the new PS5 console to the global audience.
This was exactly the case previously with the PS4 and PS4 Pro, and it may make more sense for Rockstar (as well as for Take-Two) to keep any GTA announcements for a while at least until we’ve heard the official Sony’s console reveal. And if it happens so that Rockstar announces GTA 6 this year at one of their four quarterly earnings calls, this by no means should be interpreted as a guarantee that GTA will be released anytime soon.
Usually the developer is in no hurry with these releases and almost always tries to hold off the launch in order to hone the new product to almost-perfection.
GTA 5 was announced on October 25, 2011, yet fans had to wait till 17 September 2013 for its launch on PS3 and Xbox 360. Similarly, Red Dead Redemption 2 was announced on October 18, 2016, it was supposed to come out in the second half of 2017, however, in the end we only saw it on consoles as late as October 26, 2018.
There is a slim possibility that Rockstar has radically changed their policy regarding their marketing and releases of its games. But let’s be realistic – probably we will have to wait for quite some time till the company releases its latest product. Despite that, 2020 may still turn out to be a very important year for the franchise and after long years with little news that’s all GTA fans need at the moment to make their wait just a bit easier.