Just a rumor – GTA 6 timeline will be in 1970

Just a rumor – GTA 6 timeline will be in 1970
The latest rumor regarding the game has to do with the release date – there are sources that claim that we are going to have GTA 6 already in 2017. On the other hand, there is more interesting information that we would like to share with you, for example, about the era of the game.
GTA V on PS4 and Xbox was hugely popular, this is why it’s only natural that Rockstar have now fully concentrated on making the GTA 6. So, the GTA 6 will most probably be as good as the other parts of this game. And we believe it’s totally possible that GTA 6 could take place in 1970. Could it be the case?
Acording to Leslie Benzies, the President of North Studio, GTA 6 may indeed take place in 1970. He thinks that 70’sculture is a fine reflection and an example of what a mafia guy’s life was like. The era of 1970 is a great period for all those who are interested in the details of mafia’s life. This is why the period of 1970 would be a good option for such a game as GTA 6.
Certain sources say that GTA 6 will go back to Vice City. On the other hand, lovers of the game suggest that they would prefer to have new places to explore in Grand Theft Auto 6.
The fans of the game are saying they would really like to see a female protagonist.
The member of Rokcstar’s Dan Houser has revealed that players of this game do have a chance of seeing a female lead character at some point. However, so far, the company hasn’t found the right game do to this. Well, we guess that the fans of the game have no choice but to wait a little longer.
What do you think? Would you like GTA 6 to be set in 1970? Tell us your opinion now.