No official GTA 6 release date was annonced yet

No official GTA 6 release date was annonced yet
Dear dedicated fans of GTA 6, have you heard the amazing news? The astonishing fact is that GTA 5 is at its peak.
But there is more to say on this topic – we need to be patient, because we still do not know the exact release date of GTA 6. And unfortunately, it makes little sense trying to guess the launch date of the upcoming GTA 6, because if we take a look at the past, we will discover that in fact the time gap between different issues of GTA was about 6 years every time.
Still, we glad to report that the President of the company has disclosed a few details and we know a little more now. There is a piece from his report: he has told us some ideas that give a hint about the release date of GTA 6.
Another interesting thing in his report was: he said the company has over 45 years experience for this game.
You may know that the company has already released various DLC’s for GTA 5. This is why today they can put lot of efforts into releasing GTA 6 in the nearby future. We have enough reasons to believe that one day we see GTA 6 for real, however, we cannot tell when exactly it will be.