GTA 6 San Andreas was fake news

GTA 6 San Andreas was fake news
Now is the time to discuss one more rumors regarding GTA 6. It is important to mention that today’s topic is San Andreas.
The important fact is this: San Andreas 2 is already being developed and will soon be launched for Xbox One and PS4.
This piece of news can be found on GrandTimes website. We absolutely must say that on this website a lot more rumors are published.
It is noteworthy that plenty of website’s visitors have read it. They have later shared their opinions on Facebook and Twitter, too.
According to the website claims, San Andreas 2 will be a sequel to the former San Andreas version. In addition, it gives some information saying that players will jump back to 1999 where CJ once more will be in the main character.
There are a number of untrue facts: for example, the website mentions that players may eat at Cluckin’ Bell and gain lots of extra weight, and then sweat it off at the gym.
Did you like the news that you have just read? Sadly, we have to disappoint you. This is totally fake news; please remember to be cautious and not to believe everything you read online.
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